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20 hilarious autocorrect that will make you laugh

1) Perfect girlfriend, wait what?

 2) I meant to say 'HUG'

3) Sh*t

4) WTF?

5) *Clock

6) Sewing my vag? Not really

7) Lol 

8) Camelto... what?

9) Boobing for apples, Huh?!!

10) Eminent diabetes?

11) *Gum

12) I am not cheating, promise!

13) Wanna bang?

14) Damn you autocorrect

15) You mean what?

16) Witchweed baby

17) Huh?!

18) Co*kburn!!

19) Damn!

20) ".............."

20 hilarious autocorrect that will make you laugh 20 hilarious autocorrect that will make you laugh Reviewed by Dayeen on 10:27 PM Rating: 5
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